Folkwang to go
Take your time and browse through our selection of Folkwang items:
- Div. ballpoint pens
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Cloth bags
- Pads/ notebooks
- Bookmarks
- CDs
- Pocket umbrellas
- Exhibition catalogs
- The products in the Folkwang Shop are produced in small editions. The assortment is constantly changing. So take a look
- from time to time! Then you will stay up to date.
All prices include 19% value added tax.

Folkwang Fabric bag
In the new Folkwang Organic cotton bags (approx. 38×42 cm) with long handles (approx. 70 cm) in the color combination black/orange you can store a lot. Whether shopping, books or clothes – these fabric bags are the perfect companions. Washable at 30° C.
Internal 3,00 Euro
External 5,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact costs.

Folkwang Edition | Book 007
Anne Breimaier und Matthias Gründig (Hg.)
Hollis Frampton: ADSVMVS ABSVMVS, in memory of Hollis William Frampton, Sr., 1913-1980, abest, Essen 2021. With texts by the editors and students of Freie Universität Berlin and Folkwang Universität der Künste on Hollis Frampton’s work of the same name, reproduced in its entirety in the volume.
192 pages
Texts: German or English
Images © The Estate of Hollis Frampton
25,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping
Proceeds from book sales are used exclusively to increase circulation.

Folkwang Pocket umbrella
Pocket umbrella with Folkwang imprint outside and word imprint inside
Internal 7,00 Euro
External 10,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact costs.

Folkwang Eraser
White eraser with orange Folkwang imprint.
Internal 0,60 Euro
External 0,90 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact costs.

Folkwang Twist ball pen
For exams and notes.
Black ballpoint pen Twist with Folkwang imprint
Internal 1,20 Euro
External 1,50 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact costs.

Folkwang Ball pen Soft Touch
For exams and notes.
Black ballpoint pen Soft Touch with Folkwang imprint
internal 2,40 Euro
external 3,50 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact costs.

Folkwang EDITION 004 | vorübergehend gerettet
The fourth CD in the Folkwang EDITION series contains the work “Temporarily Saved” by composer and Folkwang alumnus Prof. Wolfgang Hufschmidt. It is based on fragments from the novel “The Night to the 21st Century or From the Life of an Old Man” by Raymond Federman and was realized by Hufschmidt as a reading for three speakers and three instrumentalists (flutes, guitar, percussion).
With the Folkwang EDITON series, the university has set itself the goal of publishing Folkwang’s great artistic diversity on a sustained basis.
10,00 Euro
plus packaging and shipping

Folkwang EDITION 003 | Folkwang VOKAL
Vocal music from the early Middle Ages to the present day
With the ensembles of the Folkwang University of the Arts:
under the direction of Prof. Dr. Stefan Klöckner and Prof. Jörg Breiding
10,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping

Caran d’Ache Ball pen
A design classic from Switzerland for the Folkwang University of the Arts: the hexagonal Caran d’Ache metal ballpoint pen with legendary push mechanism. With long writing Goliath ballpoint refill.
Internal 12,00 Euro
External 15,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact costs.

Folkwang EDITION 001
The first CD in the Folkwang EDITION series was released in December 2007: George Frideric Handel: The Sonatas for Recorder and Basso Continuo.
Recorded by the Folkwang teachers Prof. Gudrun Heyens, recorder, Prof. Christian Rieger, harpsichord and Markus Möllenbeck, baroque cello.
10,00 Euro – only a few copies left
plus packing and shipping

Folkwang Pencil
For exams, sketches or notes.
Graphite gray lead with Folkwang imprint from Farber Castell.
Lead with medium hardness.
1,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact cost.

Folkwang EDITION 002
It presents multiple award-winning Folkwang students and alumni with chamber music works for piano and strings by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.
The artistic project management of this CD was in the hands of Folkwang professors Dirk Mommertz (Fauré Quartet) and Alexander Hülshoff.
The production was supported by Live Music Now Rhein-Ruhr e.V.
10,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping
By the way: In our telephone waiting loop you can hear excerpts from the CD.

Folkwang Block without cover sheet
An ideal companion for notes with Folkwang logo
50 sheets without cover, DIN A5
Internal 1,40 Euro
External 2,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact costs

Folkwang Block with cover sheet
For notes and sketches with Folkwang imprint
50 sheet, DIN A5
Internal 2,50 Euro
External 3,50 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact costs.

Clade with strand
The small notebook (22×16 cm, 22 pages) is perfect for sketches and writing. The individual pages are held with groove stitching and braid. Logo and Folkwang F are applied with white hot foil stamping. It is 100% handmade in the bindery of the Folkwang University of the Arts.
Internal 3,50 Euro
External 7,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact costs.

Bookmark Folkwang University / Alte Abtei
internal 2,00 Euro
external 3,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping. Please ask for the exact costs.

Book "For your Talk"
Is a multidisciplinary publication by students of the Folkwang University of the Arts.
First edition 2020
Department of Design at the Folkwang University of the Arts.
Represented by its dean Prof. Dr. Markus Rautzenberg
Editing and proofreading
Julius Barghop, Claudius Dorner, Nils Limberg and Ruth Magers
Kai Behrendt
20.00 Euro

Folkwang Edition | CD 005
Sybille Plocher & Tatjana Dravenau
“I wander through Theresienstadt”.
Music in the Ghetto: Songs by Ilse Weber, Gideon Klein, Viktor Ullmann and Pavel Haas
10,00 Euro
plus packing and shipping